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This project is being made possible by our main funding partners, and we appreciate their commitment to the beautification of our area.


Our funding partners are:

Boyne Smelters Ltd 

Boyne Tannum Arts Business & Community Assoc. Inc. 

Boyne Island Lions Club 

Boyne Tannum Rotary 

Gladstone Regional Council 


The Regional Arts Development Fund

Boyne Smelters Ltd

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Follow the Boyne Smelters Ltd. on Facebook

Boyne Tannum Arts Business & Community Assoc Inc

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Follow the Boyne Tannum Arts Business & Community Assoc. Inc. on Facebook

Gladstone Regional Council

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Follow the Gladstone Regional Council on Facebook

Boyne Island Lions Club

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Follow the Boyne Island Lions Club on Facebook

Boyne-Tannum Rotary, Central Queensland

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Follow the Boyne-Tannum Rotary on Facebook

Sunfest and The Regional Arts Development Fund

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